Have a Fabulous weekend :)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Etsy and a little bit of Funk

Yesterday I came across this article about Etsy. It's a good read. I thought it was interesting to note how some of the people interviewed dealt with growth and success. On my own small scale we have definitely been dealing with some of these issues, especially those related to balancing family life and business. I have a lot of thoughts and comments concerning this subject matter, but I think we will discuss them more in depth in the future......
So I have decided that I am going to leave my Etsy shop open during the holidays, but it will be limited to only what is in-stock. I won't take any custom orders or make any jewelry during that time because I will be in New Mexico opening presents and drinking eggnog!! ;) Well actually, that is only partially true! We will be in NM for one week and then when we get back I am going to lock myself away and work feverishly on new work. I am excited to re-open my shop with a different look! I have worked out a system to balance 'made to order' and new/one of a kind designs. I think it will be best for my business because it will keep people interested in my work, and for me because you have all heard me mention several times how I need to have more creative time. So on Monday night, the 21st, I will close down my workshop. I have already put this information in my shop announcement on the Etsy page and there is also some additional info if, between now and Monday, anyone is interested in ordering some last minute Christmas gifts.
Okay, so the music that I've been listening to this past week has been decidedly more uptempo with a dash of funk for good measure ;) I've had Beastie Boys, A Tribe Called Quest & Fatboy Slim, among others, on heavy rotation while working. And speaking of Fatboy Slim.....one of the best videos I have ever seen is this one:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Milk and Loveliness

I really do love how even though I am 5 minutes from Boulder and 20 minutes from Denver, I am still surrounded by farms. In the summer there are farm stands EVERYWHERE. There is so much wonderful fresh food to choose from and it is all grown or milked within the area.
Ever since I had my oldest son I have become so much more aware of what is in the food we eat to where now, the bulk of our food is 'whole food' basically meaning unprocessed. I used to be so obsessed with low-carb/low-sugar/low-fat during all of those stupid fads before I had my kids. Now I eat bread, butter, potatoes (within reason) and of course lots of vegetables without worrying about all the other crap. I finally realized that as long as I am active, eating mainly whole and unprocessed food and not eating five servings in one sitting I'll be healthy.....which is really the most important thing, right?? Of course, lets not forget looks, because I'll be honest....I'm a bit vain. I want to look good too! Interestingly enough though, ever since I stopped worrying about 'dieting' and just eating good normal food, my weight has stopped fluctuating.
Okay, on to some loveliness. What do you think?

So now it is time to play with the boys because nap time is over......I did want to mention quickly that my title last blogpost was in reference to going a week without posting in my blog. My husband was very confused about the 'record' that I broke.....so perhaps some of you were confused as well ;)
Monday, December 14, 2009
I broke my last record...
On Friday night I went to the opening of the Gallery show and sale I've been talking to you about. I popped in only for a little bit because I was by myself. My husband had to watch our two monkeys. There was no way in hell I was going to take those two to a gallery overflowing with breakables ;)

The emotions I am going through though, are feelings of elation with multiple doses of fatigue and excitement. Have I mentioned that I am a gemini?? I do happen to feel all emotions in the 'emotion spectrum' to their absolute fullest! hahaha!! I guess that means I am also a bit (bit might not be the word my husband would use) moody and passionate.
So, we have been able to share a work schedule that we are still fine-tuning to meet the needs of our business (we are sitting down and going over this again tonight!). We have to share it without both of us working full time because we also have our two young ones at home. So we split time with them and working, but I can't tell you how satisfied we feel at the end of the day working intensely on our business and creating so, so many shared memories and experiences as a family.
There are mucho, mucho ideas and plans on the board, but this post is already reaching its limit! I'll save some of this for later ;)
Sorry, again, for the sporadic posts....it will get better!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Almost....but not quite a week
We also spent some time getting all of this loveliness up.....

I have a full day ahead of me and I am making some new work as well. I slipped it in. I've realized that is how I have to plan my days. Otherwise when it is busy I'll never get new work posted in my shop. I think its good to do this for several reasons: First, I have customers who love one of a kind pieces and by not having a good selection in my shop I am totally ignoring them. Secondly, its good for my soul. I love to play with silver and stone and that completes the artist in me. I do have to say once again that I am so, so happy that there are many of you who are drawn to my 'made to order' designs. I've been making Amber Burst and Petite Amber rings like a mad woman!! :) This has been a great year for me. Really.
I foresee my time here being a bit sporadic this month: Hey - its the biggest shopping season of the year, right! ;) I will really try to write more often than once a week though.....because that's just bad!
Until next time....;)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Almost back to normal...
I'll be working late again tonight....but everything goes to the gallery tomorrow morning! Woo-hoo, I'm almost done :) To keep me pumped today I blasted this song over and over and over....
I think I still have the New Order cassette tape with this song floating around somewhere in a box with other pieces of junk that I am sentimetally attached to and have dragged with me over the last 15 years ;)
I've been working on orders from this past weekend's sale as well and I'll be able to finish them up and send them off on their merry ways this week.
Off to work! ;)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Last Lap
On the drive home from NM I was sketching and sketching new ideas. I can't wait to get started on new work!!! I'll definitely be able to get this going after Wednesday. I consider myself an artist, first and foremost, and its hard to sit on my inspiration for so long.....it makes me antsy. I need that release.
Well our little vacation was a nice reprieve and I recouped a lot of energy. I have to admit that I was ready to get home and get back to work though! Ha! Can you believe it? That is a very good sign in my eyes.
While at my parents I ate a lot no overeating though...that's a thing of the past and hung out with my parents, brother, sister and their significant others', aunt, as well as had a wonderful visit with my uncle, who I hadn't seen in 10 years or so. Have I mentioned that my dad has 12 sisters and 4 brothers?? Yes, that makes for a very, very, very large family! They are scattered everywhere, but there is a good concentration of them in the Albuquerque area....about 9 of them including my dad. And yes.....they all have the same mother and father!
I also got a lot of playing time in with my nieces and nephews. We celebrated my little one's birthday again and also my niece and nephew (twins).

Okay I'm off to post this lone ring to my shop. I snuck it in last week along with all of my other orders ;) It is such a gorgeous piece of turquoise....I couldn't resist.

Friday, November 27, 2009

I am off to my shop to change the announcement there and to re-open the rest of my listings.
See you later in the weekend! :)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Holiday season

Last time we visited my family we headed out in the evening as well and it really was the best travel experience we have had with the boys. Why? Well because they slept 90% of the trip! That is always the best way to travel with little ones ;) So we are doing it again and we'll be getting there around 1 a.m. I also already told my mom that I am very excited for her and my dad to take over and entertain my monkeys while we're there! I don't think it will be much of a problem either :)
So a few bits of business before I go: First of all, I received my shipment of amber today!!! I am big-time excited because I ordered more of a variety of Baltic amber than I had bought when I was in Poland. For all of you new to my blog, all of the amber that I carry in my shop I purchased while we were on vacation this summer. I happily made a contact in Poland and I'll continue to order amber supplies from them (I am very, very impressed with their quality of amber). So when I get back on Friday I will relist my petite amber rings. I also got more of the green-hued amber too.
Secondly, I will be having a promotion this weekend that will lead up to Cyber-Monday and I will give you more details in a few days. But I definitely will post the information here first! Cyber-Monday (for all of scratching your heads at that term!) is the 'Black Friday' of the online world. Black Friday (for all of you still scratching your heads!!) is the day after Thanksgiving when people rush the stores in swarms and mobs to catch all of the marvelous deals and sales. So basically I am going to participate, along with many, many Etsians, in this weekend hoopla :)
So I'm off to finish up some work and packing and I'll see you all later from NM.....bye!
p.s. I forgot to mention that I will have an abbreviated shop over the next three days while I am in New Mexico. So basically only 'in stock' jewelry pieces will be in my Etsy shop. All of my 'made to order' items will resume on Friday, November 27th.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Beautiful photography always seems to hit that sweet spot too. I guess that is why I love Traci French's Bliss blog so much and I think it is time that I introduce you to another 'neighbor' from my blogroll.
Not only does Mrs. French consistently compile inspiring images in her posts, but she also happens to be an incredibly gifted photographer.

You can see more of her work here in her Etsy shop.
See you tomorrow.....it's an early night. I'm making up for yesterday ;)
What am I doing still up??

I just got really stubborn and decided to finish all of my work tonight. I've got more orders to get out tomorrow morning and so I wanted to get all of my listings up and my newsletter sent out tonight because chances are I wouldn't have time for them in the morning. I have fully decided to let my husband get up with the boys in the morning and I am turning off my alarm ;)
So I have a few bits of info to share and then I am off to bed. First of all, my November newsletter is going out right after I post this blog and there is a nice promo in there for the recipients, along with, of course, some extra tidbits of information ;) Also, I wanted to announce that from now until Christmas I will be offering -free domestic shipping & $2 international shipping- for all orders in my Etsy shop!
We are in the throes of the holiday season now, so I am working like a mad woman in my workshop to keep up the pace :) Plus, I am preparing for the Arvada Fine Art Gallery Exhibition that will be held at the beginning of December and I need to give them a whopping amount of my jewels.
Okay, so my husband decided that I should include more photos of me in the blog to give you more glimpses of my day......

I am obviously cracking up at him here....because he fancies himself as my own personal papparazzi ;)
And moving right along, here are a few of my new pieces that are up in the shop!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Weekend wrap-up
Luckily there was leftover birthday cake and guess what was for breakfast the next day? Happily, this is what I sat to in the morning yesterday:

Okay off to work....see you tomorrow!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Comfort food
It's the season for comfort food. I won't deny that I love it either. I guess you could say that I am a bit of a foodie. I get great satisfaction that doesn't even sound as big as it really is! out of eating delicious well-made food. I'm not really into junk food and I can easily pass on candy, but pretty much any meal out of Martha Stewart's Living mag just causes uncontrollable drooling ;) I like pastries and desserts and French, New Mexican, Italian, Indian, Japanese, Thai, etc........food!!! Oh yeah and pretty much everything my parents or my mother-in-law whip out onto the table - yum!
Speaking of food, my husband also happens to be a great cook. He made the soup pictured above. He said he just wanted to use up whatever he could find in the fridge and voila....he made one of the best soups he has ever made. He's not much for recipes...I think a lot of men are that way. My dad is the same. He is excellent in the kitchen and mainly just experiments and tries things. I, however, am a pretty good recipe follower ;)
This evening my husband is in the process of baking a cake he will be making it over the next few days that he grew up eating in Estonia. It is my absolute favorite dessert and every time his mother comes and visits or we visit there, she will bake this cake. I think she knows I love it very, very much ;) So this cake is special and intended for my little-est monkey's birthday party this Saturday. He is turning the big 2.
Food is obviously on my mind....I've yet to eat dinner and I am super hungry, so I think that is why.
See you tomorrow with some new pieces....:)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Short and Sweet
- woke up to a sweet good morning from my firstborn
- went for a long walk, shuffling in the leaves with two little monkeys (who knew this could bring such joy?)
- hung out at two parks
- listed these five pieces:
- made it to the gym this evening, after dinner
Its the little things.....:)
So this is again a short post, but I really want to get a jump on that last one on my list!
p.s. happy birthday my sweet sarcastic little sister...it would've been 31 today. missing you will never end.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Where did it go?
I'm here :)
I didn't intend on being gone the past three days....it just happened. Well, let me tell you.......the past week has been a bit insane. I received a lot of exposure from the giveaway on cup of jo. People found me and it was wonderful. Plus I sent many, many of my pieces to Estes Park and Fairhope. All of a sudden my shop was depleted at the same time I had more people venture in. Not planned, but absolutely loved nonetheless.
My mind is all over the place. I think the season does this to me. I am always so (more so anyway) reflective at this time of the year. Thinking a lot about the past........where will I be in the future? I prefer thinking of the future.......its exciting. I am not too keen about the past. Unfortunate to say that, but its true. I think its because it took me a long time to grow up....and too many sad events that my mind still has a hard time wrapping around.
I am excited to list new pieces this week....it feels like its been awhile and the process of finishing a piece successfully and showing it to the world is such an exhilerating feeling. ;) I'm addicted.
This song is ridiculously beautiful. It is a fitting song for today.
(sorry for the chaotic nature of the blog post today.....I think I need some chamomile tea and a good book to curl up with)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Inspirational neighbors
Tonight, I finally added a link list of some of these wonderful people and sites to my blog, so that you can visit them as well. The list is located in the lower right column.
I would like to introduce each of my 'neighbors' in the list throughout the month. I love visiting their locations.....so I figure you probaby will as well ;) First up is Charlotta's Space for Inspiration blog. Her blog is always chock full of inspiring images and somehow once you're there you will find yourself with tea or coffee in hand and your feet propped up ready to spend some (okay not some!) serious time browsing and reading (more like wishing and hoping you can visit every location she blogs about!).
I found these incredibly beautiful pictures on her site today, in fact.

That bed, in front of that fireplace, looks exactly like the place I can imagine myself at.this.exact.moment!
I think that means its time to go to sleep.......'til tomorrow ;)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Great Day!

I have to admit that I have been reading some of the comments left on the giveaway post and as a result I am sitting happily on Cloud 9. Really, is it a bit strange that I am completely digging all of the amazing comments??? ;) If you could only understand how much I put into my work, the uncertainty of my very scary leap with changing professions.......to read or hear positive comments just does wonders to my soul! Not that I have ever wanted to turn back, but these postive affirmations make me hold my head up a bit higher....do you know what I mean?? (this goes for ALL of you wonderful people who have from the beginning sent me some serious love!)
A great day....really. Just a fabulous day.
If you need me, I'll be in my workshop ;)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Reconnecting and News
Plus, I have the business page now so I am trying to keep that current with my shop activity.
I decided to finish listing the rest of my jewelry this morning and then came down to my workshop after. Here are a couple of pictures....I listed 12 in total.

I was also asked to submit my work for the Arvada Center's 23rd Annual Fine Art Market Show and Sale that is being held December 11th - 20th. The Arvada Center is a fine art gallery that houses visual and performing arts and is located in Denver. I am incredibly honored to be included this year!
Lots of happiness and busy-ness......I am thrilled at the direction I am heading.
I'll see you all tomorrow :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Getting ready for a mucho busy week
I had a fabulous morning of productiveness in my workshop and a fairly good run this afternoon I say fairly because my knee wasn't too thrilled with me today :( The only thing is that I wasn't able to list all of my new items, but at least I got a few up:

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Figuring things out...

So I spent a lot of time discussing my business, time management, scheduling and overall happiness with my husband over the last few days. I know many of you have gone through (and are still going through) this process and I welcome any additional tidbits of wisdom that you may have on the subject. But what I have realized which you all may think is quite humorous that I just figured this out is that I am not a machine. I was so fixated on successful growth that I was working at all odd hours of the day and week to accomplish this. Well, the realization about the subject is this: having an efficient schedule will still allow me to grow, but with one big inclusion....it is sustainable. Working all over the place with no personal time for me is not something I can sustain. I put too much pressure on myself and now it is time to evolve into a more efficent and happy me. ;)
So with my husband's help we mapped out a better schedule that is still focused on growth, but that makes sense and allows for me to have an overall balance in my life. I'm excited about it and I think it will work well. I don't want to say that I regret anything I have done in the last 6 months, but rather I am learning as I am going!
So now that I have tucked that away (for now!! I know it may rear its ugly head again in the future and I will again need to fix and make changes!) I will share a picture of my two little animals that have been happily prancing around our house in full garb since yesterday!
p.s. One of things that I have decided, that makes the most sense right now, is to shelve the opening of my Etsy photography shop until after the new year. It needs more time that I can give it and so marking it off my short-term to-do list eliminates another stress that I am very grateful not to have!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Who I am
I know I am rambling again, but I had another 'not so great day' and I know that I am hitting a wall. It is my own doing, and I know how to fix it. (okay fix is a strong word....'work on making things better' is a more appropriate statement.)

I am a work in progress.......see you tomorrow ;)
p.s. Tropic Thunder gets a big thumbs down....we didn't even finish watching the movie! Disappointing....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
It has arrived

It started snowing at 10 pm or so last night and it hasn't stop since! It is actually not that cold out though...the mister and my oldest monkey spent a good amount of time playing outdoors this afternoon (no school today....or tomorrow).

Besides taking pictures and drinking my favorite hot beverages (wink, wink :), I made these two custom order pieces this week:

So I am celebrating a milestone tonight with a glass of Vitiano and a movie....see you tomorrow :)