On the drive home from NM I was sketching and sketching new ideas. I can't wait to get started on new work!!! I'll definitely be able to get this going after Wednesday. I consider myself an artist, first and foremost, and its hard to sit on my inspiration for so long.....it makes me antsy. I need that release.
Well our little vacation was a nice reprieve and I recouped a lot of energy. I have to admit that I was ready to get home and get back to work though! Ha! Can you believe it? That is a very good sign in my eyes.
While at my parents I ate a lot no overeating though...that's a thing of the past and hung out with my parents, brother, sister and their significant others', aunt, as well as had a wonderful visit with my uncle, who I hadn't seen in 10 years or so. Have I mentioned that my dad has 12 sisters and 4 brothers?? Yes, that makes for a very, very, very large family! They are scattered everywhere, but there is a good concentration of them in the Albuquerque area....about 9 of them including my dad. And yes.....they all have the same mother and father!
I also got a lot of playing time in with my nieces and nephews. We celebrated my little one's birthday again and also my niece and nephew (twins).

Okay I'm off to post this lone ring to my shop. I snuck it in last week along with all of my other orders ;) It is such a gorgeous piece of turquoise....I couldn't resist.