Last week I was 'tagged' by a fellow Etsian (who also blogs) to share 10 truths about myself. I thought today would be a nice day to make the list, but before I proceed I would like to take care of a bit of business first. First of all, I wanted to mention that I will be at the
Celebrate Lafayette festival on September if you are in the area please stop by and say hi! You will find me amongst 160+ vendors that will take over much of the little downtown area....
I think it is going to be a good time. Secondly, the wonderful person who tagged me is found here so when you have the chance please wander on over to her blog and etsy shop. I absolutely love her work. And last of all I placed these two beauties....
up in my shop today. I just lo-ove carnelian stones and my cabochon stash is just about finito....I must search for some more!
Okay so without further 10 truths:
1. I am a total gemini: I can be shy and uncomfortable in crowds and also a social extrovert. It just depends and I don't quite know what dictates the change.
2. I can be sensitive. Yep....its true. I work really hard on this area because I know its a flaw....yet it also makes me a very compassionate person. I feel like I empathize with people on a very real level. I guess this can also be my strength. Depends on the day and who you ask!! ;)
3. I love coffee, tea and red wine......suffice it to say I have to regularly whiten my teeth!
4. Traveling is good for my soul. I like to experience first hand the places and people I read about in books. This is really how I like to spend my money....I don't need a nice car, fancy house or a huge entertainment system. Just send me to Brazil, Austria, Thailand or the Napa wine valley and I will be incredibly content.
5. A deal-breaker for me is prejudice on any level. I guess this ties into number two on this list....I can feel emotionally connected to people who are in pain. No matter if they are half-way around the world and complete strangers. How there are people who consciously make decisions to inflict pain and abuse on others is the greatest mystery of the world in my mind. I flat out do not comprehend this. We are all equal.....there is no debate in this area for me and I do not budge on this view.
6. I am a bookworm. I like to read books that expand my mind and intellect and I also love to read good stories that are entertaining. The last book I read was the fourth book in the Twilight series (I couldn't put those books down!) and the one before that was The Alchemist. It's good to have balance ;)
7. I was a teacher before I quit to stay home and raise my sons. I intended to go back when my youngest started school and then the large trapped artist in me begged to get out. I have no idea what the future holds: teaching, art, both?'s exciting and scary, but fabulous all at the same time.
8. I want more than anything to be a good mother. I think about this all the time. Is it possible for me to raise compassionate, intellectual, worldly men? I am trying my hardest and I know I make lots of mistakes.........but the bottom line, I think, is that they know that they are loved. They are completely and utterly my life.
9. I love music. For those of you who regularly read my blog, this is no shocker. It is pretty much on the same level as creating for me. They are both intrinsic.
10. I like to eat. hahahaha! My love for food is pretty much at level with my appetite (which is big). Good thing my health is just as important....when I'm 90, I want to be like my grandfather and go dancing every day at the senior citizens center!!!!
goodnight ;)